Our beloved Audrey Pilling Jensen, 97, passed away peacefully in Cardston, Alberta on December 15, 2023 to return to her loving Heavenly Father.
Audrey was born on October 13, 1926, the 11th of 12 children to loving parents Rufus and Susannah Pilling in Cardston, Alberta. Audrey’s life is filled with accomplishments both known and unknown. She always had a place in her heart for the underdog or those who might be less fortunate.
If you knew Audrey, you would know her competitive spirit and drive. This was evident in her younger years when she was an A student and accomplished in sports always working hard to reach her goals. She was the valedictorian of her high school graduating class and continued to have a strong interest in education and teaching her entire life. Audrey attended Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah for a short period of time after high school and then finished a business degree at the University of Alberta. Audrey worked for several banks over the years in Cardston and Edmonton which appealed to her lifelong love for math. Audrey served a mission for the Church of Latter Day Saints in the California North mission when sister missionaries were few and far between and her family in Carston would have to scrape funds together to support her. Audrey completed an expedited school teacher degree in Edmonton when Alberta was short of teachers. After that she taught at Elementary schools in Cardston and Edmonton. She then taught shorthand and other classes at a business college in Edmonton. When she realized her students were making significantly more money in the field, she stopped teaching and went to work as a court reporter. At the time this was a very male dominated field, and she was in fact only one of two female court reporters in the province. Audrey could write a blazing 200 words a minute in shorthand and continued to write in shorthand her entire life, you couldn’t hardly find a piece of paper around the house that Audrey did not write some shorthand notes on.
While Audrey was in Stettler working on a court case she looked up an old college friend who introduced her to a hard-working rancher from the Gadsby area …the rest is history. Audrey and Donald were married November 24, 1962 in Red Deer, Alberta. The couple raised their family and made a life on the ranch Donald grew up on in Gadsby area aka Poverty Flats.
Audrey was known for her determination and conviction. She was not afraid of doing hard things and for several years she campaigned against the pornography industry in Alberta. Audrey would always say “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing”.
Audrey was a woman of faith and would speak often of her mother which she adored and treasured. It must also be mentioned that Audrey’s sister and lifelong friend, Vernetta, were inseparable as children and as adults there was hardly a day went by the two did not talk on the phone. It will be a happy reunion in heaven when Audrey and Vernetta can talk their “Op” language to each another and giggle.
Audrey will be forever remembered as a loving Mother, Grandmother, Wife, Sister, Aunt and friend to many. She is a devoted daughter of God and her reunion in Heaven with loved ones be filled with happiness.
Audrey is preceded in death by her parents Rufus and Susannah Pilling, her husband Donald Robertson Jensen, her brothers Kenneth Roy, Ronald H., Harold Rufus, Keith Ephraim, Vernon, and Ten Harker and sisters Merle, Mable Catherine, Ruby Alice, Evelyn Gene and Vernetta. She is survived by her daughter Joan Karen (Carl Troemner) Centennial, Colorado and son Blaine Jensen (Laurie Ann) Petersboro, Utah, nine grandchildren and two great granddaughters.
The family is grateful to the many caregivers, medical professionals, especially Dr. Cunningham, as well as the wonderful staff at Lee Crest, for their tireless efforts caring for Audrey.
There will be a memorial service, December 19, 2023 at 11:00 AM at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Temple Street Chapel 355 3rd St. W, Cardston, Alberta. She will be buried next to Donald in the Omega Cemetery in Gadsby, Alberta on December 20, 2023 at 12:00 PM.
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Audrey was born on October 13, 1926, the 11th of 12 children to loving parents Rufus and Susannah Pilling in Cardston, Alberta. Audrey’s life is filled with accomplishments both known and unknown. She always had a place in her heart for the underdog or those who might be less fortunate.
If you knew Audrey, you would know her competitive spirit and drive. This was evident in her younger years when she was an A student and accomplished in sports always working hard to reach her goals. She was the valedictorian of her high school graduating class and continued to have a strong interest in education and teaching her entire life. Audrey attended Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah for a short period of time after high school and then finished a business degree at the University of Alberta. Audrey worked for several banks over the years in Cardston and Edmonton which appealed to her lifelong love for math. Audrey served a mission for the Church of Latter Day Saints in the California North mission when sister missionaries were few and far between and her family in Carston would have to scrape funds together to support her. Audrey completed an expedited school teacher degree in Edmonton when Alberta was short of teachers. After that she taught at Elementary schools in Cardston and Edmonton. She then taught shorthand and other classes at a business college in Edmonton. When she realized her students were making significantly more money in the field, she stopped teaching and went to work as a court reporter. At the time this was a very male dominated field, and she was in fact only one of two female court reporters in the province. Audrey could write a blazing 200 words a minute in shorthand and continued to write in shorthand her entire life, you couldn’t hardly find a piece of paper around the house that Audrey did not write some shorthand notes on.
While Audrey was in Stettler working on a court case she looked up an old college friend who introduced her to a hard-working rancher from the Gadsby area …the rest is history. Audrey and Donald were married November 24, 1962 in Red Deer, Alberta. The couple raised their family and made a life on the ranch Donald grew up on in Gadsby area aka Poverty Flats.
Audrey was known for her determination and conviction. She was not afraid of doing hard things and for several years she campaigned against the pornography industry in Alberta. Audrey would always say “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing”.
Audrey was a woman of faith and would speak often of her mother which she adored and treasured. It must also be mentioned that Audrey’s sister and lifelong friend, Vernetta, were inseparable as children and as adults there was hardly a day went by the two did not talk on the phone. It will be a happy reunion in heaven when Audrey and Vernetta can talk their “Op” language to each another and giggle.
Audrey will be forever remembered as a loving Mother, Grandmother, Wife, Sister, Aunt and friend to many. She is a devoted daughter of God and her reunion in Heaven with loved ones be filled with happiness.
Audrey is preceded in death by her parents Rufus and Susannah Pilling, her husband Donald Robertson Jensen, her brothers Kenneth Roy, Ronald H., Harold Rufus, Keith Ephraim, Vernon, and Ten Harker and sisters Merle, Mable Catherine, Ruby Alice, Evelyn Gene and Vernetta. She is survived by her daughter Joan Karen (Carl Troemner) Centennial, Colorado and son Blaine Jensen (Laurie Ann) Petersboro, Utah, nine grandchildren and two great granddaughters.
The family is grateful to the many caregivers, medical professionals, especially Dr. Cunningham, as well as the wonderful staff at Lee Crest, for their tireless efforts caring for Audrey.
There will be a memorial service, December 19, 2023 at 11:00 AM at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Temple Street Chapel 355 3rd St. W, Cardston, Alberta. She will be buried next to Donald in the Omega Cemetery in Gadsby, Alberta on December 20, 2023 at 12:00 PM.
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